Trendy Computer Technology

Posted by Unknown on Saturday 18 March 2017

Computer is known as the new invention that has many positive usages for human being’s living. Since computer was born among human being’s lives, its existence becomes the most essential one that is able to help human in doing their jobs. In fact, computer is not only able to help human in dealing with their jobs, but also able to be a part of human’s activities. For instances; as a tool to educate the children in school, a role that is able to entertain many people, and other beneficial things that is able to make computer becomes such a good and trusted partner of human in this new age. Nevertheless, the development of computer is not ending only in that way, but also until this era, many people are still trying to make some inventions that is able to fulfill and complete the use of computer in today’s era. Those ideas are already summarized as these following information below. Let us check them out!

Real-time Promise in the Future

Real-time promise in the future is can be shaped as 5G. 5G is known as today’s new invention that enables everything from your mobile phone or even from interactive automobiles into the IoT or usually known as Internet of Things. The usage of 5G is able to help human being in transferring many data without worry about the times. The reason because 5G is able to approach everything rapidly and indeed, connected to a network in both local and internet.

Virtual Reality (VR)

The next one is Virtual Reality or many people usually called it as VR to make it simple. As the name, Virtual Reality is a technology that allows the users to see and utilize their gadget through virtual ways. In another word, the existence of Virtual Reality is able to help people in visioning everything directly and change the physical interface among man and machine into science fiction. This Virtual Reality works by using computer generated sensory input; video, sound, and GPS data are the examples of this one. By the existence of VR technology, it is able to help people in getting more information about their surrounding visually and digitally.

Capability-based Security

Another computing technology in this new age is capability-based security. Since security in our computer and data is very needed, there is one solution that can be implemented. By using this capability-based security, the users are able to protect and defend against the people or even hacker that mostly happen in today’s era. Besides, this one also known as the invention that can be an essential weapon for the programmers.
In short, as the human being who live in this new age, you shall not be worry. It is because today’s era is already facilitated with many computing technologies. Those are having their beneficial things and built because there were many problems happened among us. Thus, as the people in this new age our responsibility is to know and try to use those technologies, so we can follow the development of today’s era.

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