Things about IT that You Like To Know

Posted by Unknown on Monday 22 April 2013

You probably aware there are many things about IT world that goes around the technical specification, it purpose and other kind of stuff. Here is some insight about IT world that most of IT directors like to share with common people and they are:
  • There are ongoing funding source to keep all those IT tools and equipment being up date and taking care of. Anyone who tend to use IT in their office need to set aside specific budget for this purpose
  • Technology is only a tool to achieve the purpose and not the solutions so never think that IT will solve your problem if you can’figure the basic requirement of your business first
  • IT system integration may cost a lot at front but in the long run, it can help you to save more money compare to separated IT system that may seem cost lower at front
  • Everyone should be aware of the risk of losing their data due to any virtual attack that happen in the internet. Everyone in the same company from the lower staff to the highest board must be in tune with this situation and take any precaution that needed to keep their data safe


  1. Everyone should be aware of the risk of losing their data due to any virtual attack that happen in the internet. Everyone in the same company from the lower staff to the highest board must be in tune with this situation and take any precaution that needed to keep their data safe

    1. You probably aware there are many things about IT world that goes around the technical specification
