The Modern Formula of EcoBall in Latest Washing Machine

Posted by Unknown on Saturday 13 April 2013

In this development of electronic device era, many people feel the easiness of life as they can do anything easier with the help of some device, especially for household purpose. Let’s take washing machine for instance. I have to admit that it’s been like forever since I do laundering manually. If the electricity connection in my area shuts down and I can’t lauder my cloths with washing machine, I prefer to have them washed by laundry service. By the way, speaking of washing machine, there is a new type of it which allows the users to wash their cloths without having to put any (or much) detergent. It’s called ecoBall washing machine.

Actually, ecoBall is not something new. It has been popularly known for the ability to kill bacteria sticking in cloth, produce natural fragrance, and wash sensitive fabric (such as silk) without worrying it will bruise the cloth or fade the original color.

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